It turns out that our health policy still matters to us, which shouldn’t surprise anybody – except a few politicians next election. A recent Rasmussen poll found that healthcare remains the second most important issue, behind the economy, to our people. 63% say it is very important to them in determining their vote. And last week, a new Washington Post-ABC News poll was released. source: Washington Post-ABC News Poll, 4/14-17/11 On the two major health care spending issues of the day – Medicare and Medicaid – the public had surprisingly strong opinions. And it seems that some political leaders are incredibly out of touch with those opinions. Only 21% supported cutting Medicare. 78% were opposed, 65% strongly. Only 30% supported cutting Medicaid. 69% were opposed, 52% strongly. This comes after an avalanche of political debate about deficits that blame them on Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Many elected officials, led by Represe...
An occasional column focusing on federal, state, and local health policy